POST 1: A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit México for many reasons. First for the culture, starting with prehispanic art, muralism, contemporany art but the most important one is the music. They have many genres and subgenres who receive influence from different places and ages. Like Tribal that comes from Aztec music, or Post-Reggaetón that comes directly from Internet Culture.

There's a big electronic music scene in Mexico City, then my plan is go to the different parties that the city offers and do my job as a Dj.
I'm actually planning a tour on Mexico, I'll arrive on Mexico City and move around to visit cities like Puebla, Pachuca and Toluca. I'm also thinking to visit more distant cities like Guadalajara and Monterrey it all depends if they book me or not, but I'm already in conversations with a club called "Secreto" in Monterrey, they have a party called "Club Viral" hosted by the mexican Dj Zut-Zut.

Im also visiting the antroplogy museum, to see the aztec calendar and the "Tianguis" that is like a flea market, where I like to buy some fake clothes.


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